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17th century samurai sword discovered in Berlin excavation



Archaeologists from the Berlin State Office for Monument Preservation have uncovered a 17th century samurai sword during excavations in Berlin, Germany.

The sword has been identified as a Wakizashi, a 17th century short sword worn by the samurai in feudal Japan.

Wakizashi were generally used as a backup or auxiliary sword for close quarters fighting, and when worn together with a Katana, the pair of swords were called daishō, which translates literally as “big-little”.

Wakizashi were also used to commit seppuku, an act of ritualistic suicide by disembowelment, performed to prevent being captured, as a form of capital punishment for serious offences, or to atone for personal disgrace.

The sword was uncovered during excavations of 20th-century cellars in the Molkenmarkt area, specifically on Stralauer Strasse. This narrow street, once lined with houses and commercial buildings, was heavily damaged by bombing during World War II.

Image Credit : Anica Kelp

Archaeologists found several cellars filled with war related rubble that was discarded during the final stages of the Battle of Berlin. This includes bridles, stirrups, harnesses, and various artillery militaria, in addition to the heavily corroded Wakizashi.

Upon closer examination by the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, conservators found traces of wood and a wrapping of textiles on the handle still preserved.

The researchers also identified the motif of the Daikokuten on the ferrule, a syncretic Japanese deity of fortune, wealth, the household, agriculture, fertility, sexuality and war. In Japanese mythology, the Daikokuten was also one of the Seven Lucky gods or Seven gods of Fortune.

According to a press statement by the State Museums of Berlin: “Melted decorations of chrysanthemum and waterline motifs were also found on the guard. Based on the motifs and style, the handle could be dated to the Edo period (17th to 19th century AD).”

How the Wakizashi came to be found in a Berlin basement is speculated, however, the researchers suggest it may have been a gift from the Takenouchi Mission in 1862 or the Iwakura Mission between 1871 and 1873.

Header Image Credit : Anica Kelp

Sources : State Museums of Berlin

This content was originally published on – © 2023 – HeritageDaily

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Guardian statue uncovered at Banteay Prey Nokor




Archaeologists from the APSARA National Authority have uncovered a guardian statue at the Banteay Prey Nokor temple complex in Kompong Cham, Cambodia.

Known locally as the temple of “Wat Nokor in Khum of Kompong Siem”, or “Wat Angkor”, Banteay Prey Nokor was constructed during the reign of Jayavarman VII (AD 1181–1218), the first king devoted to Buddhism in the Khmer Empire.

The complex covers an area of 37 acres and consists of a central tower surrounded by four laterite wall enclosures made from sandstone and laterite.

In addition to being the largest ancient temple complex in Kampong Cham Province, it has several distinguishing features. One of the most notable is its construction from black sandstone, which sets it apart from other temples of the period, typically built from brick or reddish sandstone.

Image Credit : Phouk Chea / Chea Sarith

Archaeologists from the Department of Preservation and Archaeology at the APSARA Authority recently excavated one of the gateways of Banteay Prey Nokor, clearing away layers of rubble from the collapsed upper structure.

Upon removing the rubble material, a guardian door statue was uncovered to the right of the eastern entrance to the gateway. The statue is broken into six pieces – breaking at the neck, the left forearm, the waist, and below the knees of both legs.

According to the researchers, the statue, which originally stood at a height of around 1.6 metres, is of the Bayon style, in reference to the Bayon state temple of Jayavarman VII at the centre of Jayavarman’s capital, Angkor Thom.

“The sandstone gate guardian will now be stored at the Preah Norodom Sihanouk-Angkor Museum,” Angkor Wat’s heritage police said in a statement. “It will be preserved and studied further.”

Header Image Credit : Phouk Chea / Chea Sarith

Sources : APSARA National Authority

This content was originally published on – © 2023 – HeritageDaily

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Sacred chapel destroyed during German Peasants’ War rediscovered




Archaeologists from the State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology (LDA) of Saxony-Anhalt have rediscovered the Mallerbach Chapel at the site of the Kaltenborn monastery.

Between 1524 to 1525, a large number of peasants, urban lower classes, and lesser nobles living in the German-speaking areas in Central Europe rebelled against a combination of economic, social, and religious factors. These include:

Economic hardship and inequality: Peasants faced heavy burdens from taxes, dues, and rents imposed by landlords, the church, and secular rulers.

Feudal oppression: Many peasants grew increasingly resentful of the limitations placed on their freedoms by feudal lords, including restrictions on hunting, fishing, and access to communal lands.

Religious influence: The Reformation inspired many peasants who saw in it a call for social and economic reform against a corrupt church.

Legal grievances: Peasants sought greater control over local governance and justice. They were frustrated by the arbitrary decisions made by their lords and demanded more influence over the laws and rules that governed their daily lives.

Image Credit : LDA

Following the outbreak of the Peasants’ War, insurgents from the nearby villages of Riestedt and Emseloh plundered the Kaltenborn monastery near Allstedt in the German district of Mansfeld-Südharz, leading to the monastery’s decline and eventual dissolution in 1538.

According to a press statement by the LDA: “It’s destruction – an act of rebellion against the Cistercian convent of Naundorf, which was in charge of the Chapel of St. Mary and to which the Allstedt residents were subject to taxes – can be seen as the first flare-up and harbinger of the coming uprising of the ‘common man’ against the authorities.”

Recent excavations at the monastery site have located the 12th/13th century Mallerbach chapel, a sacred place of worship for pilgrims who came to witness a weeping image of the Virgin Mary.

Archaeologists have uncovered the original floor plan of the chapel, which measures around 17 metres in length with a rectangular choir and semicircular apse. Excavations have also found the altar foundations, as well as traces of burning from the time of the German Peasants’ War.

Header Image Credit : LDA

Sources : State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology (LDA)

This content was originally published on – © 2023 – HeritageDaily

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