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Michelle Obama Registered To Vote As a Man In 1994 According To Illinois State Board of Elections



Former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008, according to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her Sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.

The official documents were obtained from the state of Illinois by documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert who explains that he decided to “take a serious approach” to learning about Michelle Obama’s background because the mainstream media refuses to touch the topic.

But he didn’t expect to find proof that she registered to vote as a man for fourteen years.

Gilbert was stunned when he received Michelle Obama’s official voter registration cards from 1994 and 2008. Describing the process of unraveling Michelle Obama’s “changing sexual identity,” Gilbert writes:

Having recently obtained official documents from the state of Illinois, here is what I can say with assurance: I found proof in official documents that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994. I also have official proof that, after 14 years of voting as a man, Michelle Obama changed her sex in 2008 from male to female. This is not more social media silliness, this is fact. I obtained the documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections only last week. Here is Michelle Obama’s official voter registration card from 1994 when she registered to vote as a man. The letter M is circled under Sex.

Then, on July 14, 2008, with her husband about to be nominated by the Democrats for the presidency, she changed her sex from male to female.

Remarkable timing, I’m sure you will agree.

And before you accuse Joel Gilbert of conspiring to frame Michelle Obama and falsely smear her as transgender, there is one fact you should keep in mind. Despite discovering that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994, Gilbert still doesn’t believe she was born male. He charitably believes she must have “ticked the wrong box” and accidentally registered to vote as a male. He explains:

“Her voter registration as a male was likely a clerical error of some sort made when Michelle completed her 1994 voter registration form. She must have only noticed it in 2008 and corrected it appropriately.”

Wow. Some people really want to believe what they are told.

Since the early days of the Obama administration, citizens across the board have studied videos and photos of Michelle Obama and said that she is a man.

In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers fueled both rumors in responding to a TMZ reporter who innocently asked her whether the U.S. would ever elect a gay president.

We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” said Rivers, before adding, “You know Michelle is a tranny.” When asked to clarify her remark, she articulated slowly, “A trans-gen-der. We all know.”

Rivers’ comments fuelled social media postings of photos suggesting Michelle is really a man, and close-up slow-motion videos of her dancing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show purporting to show something lurking in her pants.

Less than two months later, Rivers died as a result of what was supposed to be a minor throat procedure. Needless to say, her unexpected death cranked up the rumor mill, and even Barack Obama’s own family fueled the rumor. On Twitter, Barack’s older brother Malik hinted that he knows the truth.

Before he suddenly clammed up, deleted the original tweet, and refused to confirm or deny the allegations about “BIG MIKE.”

And NO! I cannot confirm or deny the legend of BIG MIKE 🍆 AKA Michael Lavaughn Robinson. Folks please don’t ask me that question again.

— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) June 12, 2022

Remarkably, Barack Obama himself has slipped up and called her “Michael”… over and over again.

Hmm… Have you ever met a man who accidentally calls his wife by a man’s name?

Stealth is at the heart of the Obamas’ long-term strategy since day one. Barack and his co-conspirators have been grooming Michelle to run for president since 2016. As a first step, the power couple signed a $65 million offer to write their respective memoirs as soon as they left the White House.

Another tell-tale clue of the Democrats’ plans for Michelle came when they awarded her the coveted keynote speaker role at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. In the way of parallel, Barack was the keynote convention speaker in 2004, four years before he was named as the candidate in 2008.

When last checked, Michelle had more than 18 million followers on Facebook, 20 million on Twitter and nearly 50 million on Instagram. When she tweets, usually with a political slant, Democrats listen.

But she will be a vulnerable candidate because she has so much to hide. Joe Gilbert, the filmmaker who obtained her voter registration cards, says “Only the truth can stop her.” The truth is not Michelle’s best friend.

She has been pretending to be something she is not since she first emerged on the national scene.

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Experts Declare Experimental Cancer Vaccine Based On mRNA Technology Is ‘Safe and Effective’




A new cancer vaccine based on Covid mRNA vaccine technology
which has yet to be clinically tested has already been declared “safe
and effective” by the British government.

Known as ‘LungVax’,
the new vaccine is being developed by the University of Oxford, the
Francis Crick Institute and University College London, and is expected
to be the first of a huge range of new cancer vaccinations available in
the near future.

Research scientists developing the ‘groundbreaking’ lung cancer
vaccine claim it will be effective in preventing up to 90 per cent of
cases by training the immune system to locate and attack early signs of

Lung cancer cells look different from normal cells due to having ‘red
flag’ proteins called neoantigens. The LungVax vaccine will carry a strand of DNA which trains the immune system to recognize these neoantigens on abnormal lung cells.

It will then instruct the immune system to destroy these cells and stop lung cancer.

Professor Tim Elliot, lead researcher at the University of Oxford, said: ‘Cancer
is a disease of our own bodies and it’s hard for the immune system to
distinguish between what’s normal and what’s cancer. 

‘Getting the immune system to recognize and attack cancer is one of the biggest challenges in cancer research today.”

Elliot admitted the new vaccine is based on technology used to create the Covid vaccine.

‘This research could deliver an off-the-shelf vaccine based on
Oxford’s vaccine technology, which proved itself in the Covid pandemic.

Remarkably, given the disastrous health consequences for those
vaccinated with the experimental Covid vaccines, Eilliot praised the
mRNA roll out as a success.

‘If we can replicate the kind of success seen in trials during
the pandemic, we could save the lives of tens of thousands of people
every year in the UK alone.’

Researchers have been granted up to £1.7 million from Cancer Research UK and the CRIS Cancer Foundation.

The team will receive funding for the study over the next 2 years to
support lab research and initial manufacturing of 3,000 doses of the
vaccine at the Oxford Clinical BioManufacturing Facility.

If successful, the vaccine will move straight into a clinical trials,
involving those at biggest risk of disease, such as current and former
smokers who currently qualify for targeted lung health checks in some
parts of the UK.

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TV Host Demands Gov’t ‘Take Control’ of Elon Musk’s X To ‘Shut Down’ Conspiracy Theories




Elon Musk’s X must be “shut down” by government because dangerous “conspiracy theories” are spreading on the social media platform, according to British TV host Jeremy Vine.

“If there any argument to say, and this will sound crazy, but
China does it, we’ve got to now take control of Twitter and shut it down
for the time being,”
said Vine.

Vine made the comments earlier this week during a heated debate
regarding speculation surrounding the health and whereabouts of Kate
Middleton, the Princess of Wales.

‘We’ve now got to take control of Twitter’…..???????????? ⁦

— Right Said Fred (@TheFreds) March 20, 2024

Boomers have become obsessed with speculating that Middleton has died or is severely unwell and that the Royal Family is hiding it because she hasn’t been seen in months after an operation.

The manipulation of a series of photo of Middleton and her children also only served to fuel the rumors, as some sources close to the princess claimed she had been murdered by the royal family.

However, instead of dismissing the whole issue for what it is, a pointless distraction that will disappear once Middleton makes a public appearance around Easter, Vine called for draconian measures.

Modernity report:

Ah yes, the Communist dictatorship of China, which shuts down the Internet to clamp down on dissent and enhance its repression of undesirables.

That’s definitely who we should be mimicking, Jeremy.

Throughout the COVID pandemic, Vine’s show was a platform for some of the most vulgar, authoritarian drivel imaginable.

One show asked if children who are unvaccinated should be banned from schools or made to wear special badges.

Another asked, “Is it time to ban the unvaccinated from traveling?”

Vine has made a name for himself as being a dutiful amplifier of regime messaging, while his annoying side hobby of biking around London looking to film confrontations with motorists has also angered many.

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